How Big Pig works



Welcome to Big Pig Smart Lighting! Here we want to walk you through the steps of what start to finish looks like with us. Becoming a member of the Big Pig family is an easy process!


Embracing Imperfections

Be sad. The first step is to admit your house is not at the full potential. Recognize that you don't want the permanent lighting. You need it.


Contacting the Big Pig Helpline

The next step is to talk to someone. Call our Big Pig helpline and let them know your problem. We can coordinate a time to come give your house a quote. All quotes are free.


Accepting help

The next step is to let help in. One of our very own professionals and polished Pig Representatives will come and measure your house. We charge by the linear foot so he can then show you measurements for every part so you only get what you want.


Make amends

Let Big Pig handle the installation step. The most experienced and adept Big Pig member will show up and work his magic. All you have to do is watch the miracle unfold.  



The final step is acceptance. Accept that your house is now better than your neighbor's! Your life will now be so much more fulfilling with these lights. Don't forget that you are now living a higher life! Your neighbors are below you.


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